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Jess's Vision

"I believe there is a gap between the fitness, health and wellness industries. These industries directly effect one another and it is important to remember when you are embarking on a fitness program that you pay close attention to your health and wellness. For example, it is critical to put the right food in your body to help fuel your workouts and recover properly. Getting enough rest and managing your stress are other important variables that will affect your wellbeing. This is why it is called a "lifestyle". My vision is to bridge the gap between these industries and help people not only get fit but get heatlhy. This is where the quality of ones life can really improve!"


One-on-one time is the perfect opportunity to really get to know a persons goals and aspirations. When working with someone individually Jessica can learn their individual struggles with injuries and limitations. This is a critical part of the process that must start off on the right foot in order to safely reach your goals and be the most efficient in the time we have. Learning proper form and posture is a key aspect when emabarking on a fitness program, you must build a strong foundation in order to build and increase your fitness level. Jessica will introduce the "JFit365" method of training and begin to increase the difficulty as the individual increase their fitness level!

              GROUP FITNESS

Group fitness is an opportunity for people to get guidence through a rigerous workout that includes all components of fitness. Jessica's group classes feature the "JFit365" method of training and can cator to many different levels of fitness. Everything is on a timed interval base so you can really push your limits and see where you are at in your progress. Keeping the group classes on timed intervals allow for people of all levels to jump in and push themselves no matter the level they are at. Modifications are a big part of the group training. Jessica will help the group member make modifications to advance the exercise or back off due to an injury or limitation.


Your nutritional in take is a key component of the program. This is something we all need to continually work on and stay focused with. Jessica believes in clean eating and staying away from processed foods and sugars. It is important to focus on the value of the nutrients you are in taking not so much the calories. You are what you eat and many ailments can be improved by simply changing your diet! It is important to get back to nature when it comes to eating, our society has veered away from what nature had originally intended.


When you keep your health at the focal point of your priorities everything falls into place. If we let our health go we won't have anything left. If we focus on our health everything about our lives will be effected and improve. When we feel good and healthy our attitudes tend to be better, we have more energy, we are more motivated and we are generally happier people. Always be aware of what is best for your health and work on doing those things everyday. This will make you a better person!



Wellness is very much related to your health but goes one step further. It is important to take the spiritual side of yourself into account. Getting enough rest and managing stress is a big part of your wellness but also fullfilling your spiritual side and exploring what helps feed your spirit to keep you hopeful and excited about life. Finding your purpose in life and what you are about is a critical part of being healthy. How can you contribute to your family and community in a positive way?

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